The Role of Human Resources in Global Mobility

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In this era of remote and hybrid work, global mobility may not seem to be as important to business growth as in the past. But don’t be fooled: Global mobility remains crucial in today’s business environment for several reasons. Relocating employees fosters a diverse and inclusive workforce, enhances innovation, and expands market reach. By facilitating the movement of employees, companies can leverage diverse skill sets and perspectives, leading to more creative problem-solving and better decision-making. Global mobility also enables businesses to enter new markets, understand local customer needs, and build strong national and international networks. It can also help your organization retain top talent by offering career development opportunities and promoting a culture of adaptability and growth. In an increasingly interconnected world, global mobility is a strategic advantage that drives business success and competitiveness.

The task of running the organization’s global mobility program falls to the Human Resources department. It isn’t an easy one: There are many complex issues and potential pitfalls when relocating an employee. Also, no two relocations are exactly alike. Read on to learn more about the role of Human Resources in global mobility, and how the best HR managers make employee relocations as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Strategic Planning

Relocating an employee should never be taken lightly. There must be a solid connection between the employee and the organization, both in the short and long term. According to the EY 2024 Mobility Reimagined Survey, “strategic alignment” rated among the top drivers of a successful global mobility program.

HR can facilitate this connection by developing a strategic framework that integrates global mobility initiatives with the company’s overall mission and objectives. This involves identifying key business areas where mobility can drive growth, such as entering new markets or fostering innovation through diverse talent.

HR professionals talking with the employee about the role of human resources in global mobility.
Strategic planning by HR highlights the role of Human Resources in global mobility, aligning initiatives with company objectives to drive growth and innovation.

HR should collaborate with leadership to ensure that mobility programs support the company’s talent development plans, succession planning, and skill enhancement needs. By implementing policies that promote seamless transitions and cultural adaptability, HR can ensure that employees are effective in their new roles and locations.

Of course, there must be ways of evaluating the success of each relocation. Leveraging data and analytics to measure the impact of mobility on performance and business outcomes helps in refining strategies and demonstrating the value of global mobility initiatives.

Relocation Policy and Benefits Package Development

HR can create a comprehensive employee relocation policy by thoroughly addressing all aspects of the relocation process to ensure a smooth transition for employees and their families. This will enhance employee satisfaction, reduce relocation-related stress, and ensure a successful transition to new work environments. Through clear communication, personalized support, and flexibility to accommodate unique situations, an HR manager can ensure that employees feel valued and supported throughout the relocation process.

A strong relocation policy should present clear guidelines for relocation benefits. Most employees and prospective employees will need some sort of enticement to agree to relocate. HR can solve this issue by creating an attractive relocation package, one that offers comprehensive support to address both professional and personal needs.

This package can include:

  • Financial assistance for moving expenses, such as transportation, temporary housing, and storage costs
  • Cost-of-living adjustment or housing allowance to ease the financial burden of relocating to a more expensive area.
  • Support services like assistance with finding a new home, navigating local schools for employees with families, and providing language and cultural training to help with acclimation.
  • Career support for the employee’s spouse or partner

Work together with the relocating employee to create a package of benefits that will facilitate a seamless move for the entire family.

HR professional conducting an interview to assess candidates’ readiness and willingness for international assignments.
Comprehensive relocation policies and benefits packages are key to ensuring smooth transitions for employees and their families.

Retaining Relocated Employees

How can you retain your employees once they’ve relocated? It is crucial to provide robust support systems and career development opportunities to ensure a smooth transition and long-term satisfaction. This begins with offering comprehensive onboarding programs that help employees acclimate to their new location and role, including cultural training and community integration support.

Maintaining regular communication and check-ins is also important. This allows the employees to address any challenges or concerns they might face. HR should also facilitate career progression by offering continuous professional development opportunities, mentorship programs, and clear pathways for advancement within the organization. Recognizing and rewarding the efforts of relocated employees through performance incentives and acknowledgment can boost morale and loyalty. Additionally, fostering a supportive work environment that values diversity and inclusion can help relocated employees feel welcomed and appreciated. By creating a holistic approach that addresses both professional and personal needs, HR can enhance the retention of relocated employees, ensuring their long-term engagement and contribution to the company.

Recruiting for International Assignments

Recruiting employees for international assignments requires HR to implement a strategic approach that ensures the right fit for both the position and the location. HR professionals must first clearly define the qualifications and skills necessary for the assignment, considering both technical expertise and cultural adaptability. They can then utilize various channels, such as internal job postings, recruitment agencies, and global job boards, to reach potential candidates.
During the selection process, HR should assess candidates’ willingness and readiness to relocate, as well as their ability to thrive in a different cultural environment. This might involve interviews, assessments, and perhaps even trial periods in the new location. Additionally, HR should highlight the benefits of the international assignment, such as career development opportunities, competitive compensation packages, and support for family relocation, to attract top talent.

HR representative providing personalized support during the onboarding process for relocated employees.
Partnering with relocation management companies enhances employee satisfaction and minimizes relocation-related stress.

The Importance of Relocation Management Companies

Whether you’re a member of a large HR department or working as a one-person HR team, you may find it helpful to partner with a Relocation Management Company (RMC). These companies play a vital role in ensuring the success of employee relocations by offering specialized expertise and comprehensive support services. RMCs like Interstate Relocation streamline the relocation process, managing logistical details such as moving household goods, arranging temporary housing, and coordinating travel plans. By handling these complexities, they allow employees to focus on their new roles without the added stress of managing their move. They also provide valuable services like home-finding assistance, school search for families, and cultural orientation, which facilitate a smoother transition and quicker acclimation to the new environment.

Interstate can also help your organization maintain compliance with local regulations and tax requirements, reducing potential risks and ensuring legal and financial adherence. By partnering with an RMC like Interstate, your HR department can enhance employee satisfaction, minimize downtime, and ensure a seamless and efficient relocation process, ultimately contributing to higher retention rates and overall organizational success.

Don’t Underestimate the Role of Human Resources in Global Mobility

The role of Human Resources in global mobility is pivotal. By effectively managing the complexities of employee relocations and providing comprehensive support, HR can drive business growth, innovation, and talent retention in an interconnected world.