Are You Ready for Your International Move?

Let's Talk

A little planning — and these six steps — can make for smooth sailing

While starting a new life in a new country is exciting and full of adventure, moving to a new country also requires organization and advanced planning. After all, you don’t want to find out at the last minute that you don’t have the proper vaccinations or that you didn’t complete the correct forms for customs.  These are the kind of details that can turn your new adventure into a nightmare. Follow these international moving tips and steps to help ensure smooth sailing on your international relocation.


The best way to save space is to pack related items together.  For example, pack all electronics-related equipment (e.g., fire wires, chargers, travel adapters and converters, etc.) in one bag. Dispose of excess cords or cables that you will not need. Designate a folder for important paperwork (e.g., copies of passports, driver’s license and other government-issued forms of identification) and place it in an easily accessible, secure location. And finally, make a checklist that you can access from any device to keep yourself on track.

Sell, Store or Ship

Moving is a perfect excuse to go through your belongings. If an item has not been used or worn in a year, it might be time to say goodbye. Filtering through belongings frees up space, declutters and may save money on moving and storage.


Moving to another country requires a significant amount of documentation. Be sure to complete all necessary paperwork and make copies. Get in touch with family members and friends to inform them of your new address. Visit your local post office or simply go online to redirect your mail to your new address. For voting, check international voting regulations of your in-country destination.

Ship It or Store It

Large items such as furniture or cars are expensive to move internationally. Compare the costs of shipping them vs. storing them to determine if it makes sense to transport these larger items or to purchase new ones upon arrival at your new home.

Ship It or Store It

It may take a while to receive health care in a different country. Before moving, schedule a checkup, verify your vaccinations are current and fill your prescriptions to ensure you have an ample supply. Proof of vaccinations will likely be required for children, so make sure that you have a copy of all vaccination records.

If possible, meet with an accountant prior to moving. Will you become a non-resident for tax purposes? In which country will you be required to pay taxes? Are there strategies to reduce your taxes? How can you ensure that you do not get double-taxed? Secure access to your finances upon arrival in the new country.


If possible, meet with an accountant prior to moving. Will you become a non-resident for tax purposes? In which country will you be required to pay taxes? Are there strategies to reduce your taxes? How can you ensure that you do not get double-taxed? Secure access to your finances upon arrival in the new country.

Following these tips will help your international move go smoothly. Are you planning to move to another country and don’t know quite where to start?  Turn to the international relocation team at Interstate. With more than 75 years of helping families and companies with moving, relocation, storage, and logistics, we’re ready when you are